Friday, April 15, 2011

First Posting

Well, this is my 1st posting on here.

There's a lot on my mind. And here I'm going to spill them out.

Okay, so first off, I want to laugh. I saw a picture of my old friend Jackie. She looks horrible! It makes me laugh since the years I've known her she was always so damn vain that she now looks like shit. It's enough to make me piss my pants with laughter. I knew deep down she thought I was fat, hell, now she's more of a cow then I am. I have every right to be bitter towards her. She's a back stabbing whore who used me and lied to me. So yeah, glad she's finally getting her just desserts.

Another thing that's been bothering me is the fact I'm sick of people ignoring me. I RP on several sites, and IMVU. I'm so sick of it. I'm a fucking person and hate being ignored. I'm so tired of it. So, if your reading this Rainn, then fuck you. Rainn's the worst of it all. He's always bitching about being bored and alone when I'm ONLINE. It's enough to make me sick to read his pulse about him being bored and lonely. Well fuck you, since I don't seem matter one damn bit. I thought he was my friend, but I guess I was wrong. Another one that's been pissing me off is Liz aka Luna aka Ara. I'm sick of you acting like IMVU is real. It's a fucking game. If it was real, then I'd be a furry like I normally dress up. It's all made up. And from what I've heard, your IRL is better then the RP shit you put yourself through.  Get over your damn self.

Alright, here's something else that's been pissing me off to no end. My friend Katy says she feels like a bad friend for not hanging out with me more. If you fucking feel bad about it, then do something about it. Earlier this week, she said 'Let's hang out' and that made me happy, thinking I would finally have someone to talk to other then people online who enjoy ignoring me. So, the DAY she's suppose to come over, she bales on me, saying her dad had to fix her damn car. She hasn't even fucking bothered to call me back since! I mean, really, is it that hard to just ask me to come and get you? Honestly... Since then I've been spiraling down further and further into my depression. I just want a friend that will be there for me. One that wont lie to me, use me, or blow me off. Is that too much to fucking ask?

And now for the love life(or lack there of) report. I'm done. I'm sick of Hedaki constantly lieing to me. He says one thing, then either A)doesn't do shit about it, or B) lies through his damn teeth and turn it against me. So yeah, I'm done. I give up on love and all my other dreams. Speaking of dreams I had a few...
1) To get married - He keeps finding excuses to not keep his damn word.
2) Have at least 1 kid - He got a snip job, and it's too damn expensive to get a reverse.
3) Go back to college - fucking retards at my high school wont send me my damn transcript. -.-

So yeah, like I said, I'm done.

That felt good to rant. Thanks for reading.

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